The Company
The Hellenic Welding Association (HWA) is a private organization, which was established with a view to Knowhow transfer through the provision of top level services conveying Knowledge in the sector of welding and cutting. The immediate target of HWA is the provision of high quality training which either lead to the acquisition of internationally recognized diplomas which give access to the world market or is adjusted to specific needs of the market and help dealing with welding related problems. The ambition of HWA is the rallying of our country’s entire scientific and professional community related to the field of welding and cutting and the realization of common training activities, but also the development of this complex science.
Our vision is to establish a specialized knowledge and expertise center for the needs of the Greek and the international industrial community.
The technology of welding for the world economy is of great importance. A recent study shows that the total added value produced by the European welding industry is approximately 86 billion Euros and it is also estimated that more than 2 million people are working in the welding sector. It is also well known that a low quality weld can cause substantial economic damage and can endanger people’s lives. It is estimated that the repair cost of an improper weld may be 5 to 6 times more than the initial welding cost.
A way for a manufacturer to prove that its products in relation to welding meet the required quality standards is the implementation of EN ISO 3834. Many standards and European Directives require from the manufacturers to conform to EN ISO 3834. EN ISO 3834 is not a quality system but it can be used as an important tool for the conformance to EN ISO 9001:2000 with respect to the special processes and for proof to the evaluation bodies that all welding quality specifications are satisfied. A key aspect for the accreditation of a manufacturer with EN ISO 3834 is the certification of the Welding Coordinator. This certification is obtained through the training and certification system of the International Institute of Welding.
And of course there is more to explore.
Other noteworthy features are:
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