Η εταιρία HENC , φέρνει στην Ελλάδα για πρώτη φορά, την δυνατότητα εκπαίδευσης πολύ υψηλού επιπέδου πάνω στην ανάλυση/ερμηνεία δεδομένων που προκύπτουν από τον Μη Καταστροφικό Έλεγχο με την μέθοδο Phased Array. Στις 17 Σεπτεμβρίου 2018 σε συνεργασία με τον διεθνούς φήμης παγκόσμιο οργανισμό “The Welding Institute” (TWI) θα διοργανώσει εκπαιδευτικό πρόγραμμα e-learning και παρακολούθησης σε τάξη με τίτλο Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing (PAUT) Data Analysis – Welds – Blended Learning. Το πρόγραμμα θα υλοποιηθεί στην Ελλάδα στην Ελληνική γλώσσα από εισηγητή του TWI.

Η εταιρία HENC είναι ο εξουσιοδοτημένος εκπαιδευτικός αντιπρόσωπος του TWI στην Ελλάδα και την Κύπρο. To TWI διατηρεί μια μακρόχρονη, συνεχή και επιτυχημένη συνεργασία με την HENC. To TWI διαθέτει μια μεγάλη γκάμα υπηρεσιών και προϊόντων τα οποία η HENC μπορεί να παράσχει και στην Ελλάδα. Η HENC προσφέρει όλα τα εκπαιδευτικά προγράμματα και τις αντίστοιχες πιστοποιήσεις της BRITISH GAS, του σχήματος πιστοποίησης CSWIP και PCN.


10 days: 5 days eLearning and 5 days classroom attendance

Suitable for

Experienced Level 2 qualified ultrasonic technicians looking to expand their knowledge and gain a qualification in phased array ultrasonic testing (PAUT) data analysis. 

Blended Learning 

This eLearning training is part of the ‘blended learning’ PAUT Data Analysis package; a mix of eLearning and in-class practical training followed by certification to BS EN ISO 9712. The online modules can be studied when and where it is most convenient and at your own pace. The package separates the learning of key concepts from the learning of a specific instrument, coupled with interactive exercises focused on the principles behind set-up, calibration, acquisition and data analysis. An intuitive logical training structure, which invariably helps the students understand key concepts, step-by-step. In addition to the eLearning element of the phased array training, students will then attend practical classroom training for 5 days.

Course content 

The eLearning training course is divided in six modules:

Module 1: Ultrasound

Module 2: Phasing

Module 3: Steering

Module 4: Focusing

Module 5: Data Quality

Module 6: Review

Each module contains:

  • Pages explaining the underlying theory
  • Videos explaining the theoretical and practical aspects of
  • Phased-Array Ultrasound Testing, Silverlight interactive exercises in which the student can build a set-up, practice calibration and scanning and learn to evaluate real data
  • A test section for self-evaluation
  • At the end of your online training phase, an online test will enable you to decide whether you are ready for the classroom element of the course, or if you need further time to study.
  • Prices depend where you will be attending the last 5 days of the course.
  • When you have booked your online training, you will receive an email notification with your login details. You will then have 60 days from first login to complete your eLearning course.


Module 1


Basic Principles of Ultrasound and Ultrasound Testing

Sound versus Ultrasound

Physical properties of ultrasound waves

Description of conventional UT hardware

Origin and use of A-, B- and C-Scans

Production of ultrasound waves

Properties of the ultrasound beam

Structure and content of a UT procedure

Choosing the right hardware for an inspection

Importance of calibration

Inspection guidelines

Data analysis principles

Module 2


Principles Underlying Phased Array Ultrasound

Origin of phasing

Phased array hardware

Scans and views specific to phased array

Production of phased array ultrasound

Properties of 0-degree phased array ultrasound beam

Phased array specific procedures

How to build a 0-degree phased array ultrasound setup

Calibration of a 0-degree phased array set-up

Introduction to 0-degree phased array scanning

Analysing 0-degree phased array data

Module 3


Beam Steering in Phased Array Ultrasound

Introduction to beam steering

Inner workings of phased array instrument

Scans and views specific to angled phased array

Beam steering theory and limitations

How to build an angled phased-array ultrasound set-up

Calibration of an angled phased array set-up

Introduction to angled phased array scanning

Analysing angled phased array data


Module 4


Beam Focussing In Phased Array Ultrasound

Introduction to focusing

Phased array probes

Multiple scans and views

Beam focusing theory and limitations

Choosing between focused and non-focused beams

Calibration with focused beams

Defects shape vs. focal distance

Module 5


Optimizing data quality

Introduction to data quality

Selecting optimal hardware

Instrument limitations

Data quality theory and limitations

Optimizing setups parameters

Encoder calibration

Remote data analysis

Module 6





Scans and views





Data analysis

Certification/Awarding Body:


Entry Requirements

CSWIP candidates should be qualified to a minimum of BS EN ISO 9712. CSWIP certification is also available for candidates holding ASNT UT Welds. It will be considered on an individual basis and evidence of training and experience presented to the training centre on application. Non-BS EN ISO 9712 certificate holders will be required to sit the CSWIP UT Welds Level 2 General Paper.

The minimum required duration of training, which includes both theoretical and practical elements, is:

„„ Level 2 – 80 hours (40 hours online and 40 hours


The minimum duration for experience prior to or following success in the qualification examination is:

„„ Level 2 – 3 months

More info and Course Applications:   info@henc.gr  www.henc.gr   

Course broshure